
ICE COOL 120Liters Double Door Refrigerator

  • Ice cool double door fridge
  • capacity 120litres
  • color red and silver
  • 1year warranty

UGX 600,000 UGX 650,000


ICE COOL 120Liters Double Door Refrigerator at the best price in Uganda.

ICE COOL  Refrigerator is amazing! This fridge is perfect for home use or office, dorm room, kitchen or playroom. The compressor-cooling fridge will keep your drinks and food at a perfect temperature. With a tiny built-in freezer compartment, you can store your dinner, ice cream or other snacks! Design..

There is a door bracket to neatly store your drinks. Slide-out shelving makes it easy to clean the inside of your fridge. This is a high-quality fridge and freezer with a reversible door so you can fit this bar fridge in any spot. With built-in temperature control and low energy consumption, this refrigerator is the ideal solution for anyone looking to cool and freeze!

Key Features

  • Gross Capacity: 120 Litres
  • Refrigerant: R134a/50g
  • Insulation Blowing Gas: Cyclopentane
  • Temperature Range: -10 – +10°C
  • Uses German technology
  • Climatic Class: ST

ICE COOL 120Liters Double Door Refrigerator is amazing! This fridge is perfect for home use or office, dorm room, kitchen, or playroom. The compressor-cooling fridge will keep your drinks and food at a perfect temperature.

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